About Our Troop
We believe camping helps a scout develop self-reliance and resourcefulness, enhances spiritual growth, and contributes to social development. And it's FUN! Our troop schedules one campout per month, all troop members and registered parents (with current YPT training) are welcome to come. The campouts are selected and pre-scheduled once per year by the youth patrol leaders. An adult leader will do the coordination and planning for the campout. And each patrol will plan and cook their own meals.
High Adventure
Once per year our Troop will embark on a High-Adventure trek. The adventures are amazing and life changing! We cycle between Philmont, Sea-Base, Northern Tier, and Summit. An adult leader will organize and schedule the trip, including transportation. And of course parents are encouraged to come along to help chaperone and participate in the adventures!
Meetings are the glue that holds our Troop together. We meet weekly on Monday evening. Check the calendar for exceptions; we usually will not meet on school holidays, and the Monday following a campout. Meetings are always "boy-led", and include an opening and closing ceremony, plus specific agenda items - anything from skill development, award recognition, breakout groups, a fun activity, campout meal planning, etc. Parents are also welcome!